Once moved, follow the same steps shared above to get WhatsApp installed on another computer. If you want to install WhatsApp on other devices, use a portable media drive to move the installation files. This is how you can Download & Install WhatsApp for PC offline installers. Once scanned, you can use WhatsApp from your PC. Now scan the QR code displayed on the computer screen.Ĥ. Open WhatsApp on your Android and navigate to the Menu > Settings > WhatsApp Web. You will be asked to scan the QR code via the mobile app.ģ. Once installed, open the WhatsApp app on your PC.
First of all, double-click on the WhatsApp Offline Installer file.Ģ. Below, we have shared a step-by-step guide on using the WhatsApp Offline Installer for Windows 10. Well, the installation part is pretty easy. How to Install WhatsApp for PC Offline Installer?
You can create as many groups as you want, add members, set up disappearing messages, and more. WhatsApp desktop client also lets you create or manage existing groups. Also, you can use the WhatsApp desktop client to make some changes like hiding the read receipts, enable disappearing messages, and more. You can make changes to your WhatsApp account right from your desktop.
You don’t need to pick your smartphone to modify few WhatsApp settings.